Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Day 16- Oxford to Bablock Hythe. As we left Oxford the flood plain was wide and flat. With blue skies and a light breeze it was the perfect sort of day to walk through southern England. The yellow flag irises are just coming out and the water meadows were full of early summer wild flowers of every colour. In places we walked through fields of cows with their calves and i was glad to cower between my friends, very grateful for Sue's tendency to make friends with anything furry.  I scoured the opposite banks for kingfishers, otters and water voles, but no joy so far. Easy walking. we have now left Midsomer Murder country and are in the land of Morse. (small swoon) apparently we walked through woodland where they used to film bodies being dug up. Glad Sue didn't tell me till we had passed that bit. The afternoon was less easy going, the last couple of miles being away from the river through fields where the sun blazed down and the air was motionless. Several fields of unshorn ewes and their lambs trying to find shade and I was thankful that at least I wasn't a sheep in an overgrown jumper in all that heat. The chiffchaffs never stop chiffchaffing. Such a little bird and so much noise!

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